01 821 9331

Credit Union Schools' Quiz

CETNS make it all the way to the tie-breaker round.
Credit Union Schools' Quiz

CETNS entered two quiz teams in the recently held Dublin 15 Credit Union Schools' Quiz held in the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Blanchardstown. Both teams gave it their best shot and did our school incredibly proud. There were two competitions being held on the same evening. Anna, Cian, Samuel, and Aanav (4th class) represented our school in the under-11 category, and Eve, Kajetan, Ashkan (Eugenia's 6th class) and Anna (Sarah's 5th class) represented CETNS in the under-13 competition. Our under-13 team finished in 2nd place and were narrowly, unluckily, and agonisingly beaten in the tiebreaker round. Please have a read of a wonderful account below of the evening's proceedings by Eve, Ashkan, and Kajetan. Well done to all eight children who took part on the night, and also to all the children who participated in the school quizzes in CETNS. Super Stuff!

Monday 30th January, 2023

30th January was a very fun and successful day. After school, at six o’clock, Eve, Ashkan, Kajetan and Anna met up at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Blanchardstown.

The actual quiz started at 6:30 pm. We sat at table 24. We were given a pen, paper and 12 pages with 6 questions on each page. There were 72 questions in all. The questions started off really easy but got harder as we went on.

After 6 rounds and 1 hour we got a 15 minute break. We were given a bag containing everything we needed that included water, crisps, chocolate, a pen, a highlighter, a stationary set and last but not least a water bottle all in a reusable bag. During the break, we took some delicious mouth-watering shortbread and chocolate cookies.

After the interval, we had six more rounds, which got harder as we went on, but we still felt confident. After 1 hour we finally finished the quiz. After anxiously awaiting the results, they called out the junior results. We became more and more anxious as the minutes ticked by. Eventually we found out the results of the senior quiz. We sat down hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst.

When they called out the second place results, they announced there was a tie-breaker. They called the first group of tie-breaker and we were delighted when they called table 24. We jumped up and down in joy. We all forgot that it was still a tie-breaker. They called out the second table, table 49 (St. Johns Bosco). We were given three tie-breaker questions, and an extra emergency fourth tie-breaker-breaker question. The questions were extremely hard and it came down to one question, which sadly didn’t go our way. We were absolutely devastated. We were so close to qualifying to the next round. We were just one off from the first place winners.

We would like to thank Eugenia, JP, and our families for supporting us during the quiz. Thank you all, we had a great time.

By Eve, Ashkan and Kajetan

02 2024
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Castleknock Educate Together NS,
Beechpark Ave,
Dublin 15

01 821 9331

Green School
© 2024 Castleknock Educate Together