01 821 9331

Failte an Priomhoide/Principal's Welcome


Principal’s Welcome/ Fáilte an bPríomhoide


In Castleknock Educate Together National School we strive to create a positive learning environment in which due regard is paid to the intellectual, physical, social, emotional and ethical development of the child. Special emphasis being placed on all aspects of inclusion thus encouraging pupils to partake in cultural activities both inside and outside of schools. To instill in the pupils a positive attitude towards learning thus enabling them to learn independently. Creating an atmosphere in the school that encourages the pupils to be independent, tolerant, kind, confident and co-operative. Teaching the Learn Together Curriculum and using it as a source of moral guidance in the school. Parents are seen as partners in the mutual education of their children and are encouraged to become involved in the development of the school through the Parent Teacher’s Association and the Board of Management. Each and everyone involved with the school (pupils, teachers, parents) shall be treated equally in every aspect of school life.

Timpeallacht shuaimhneach a chruthú ina ndéanfar cúram d’fhorbairt intleachtúil, fhisiciúil, shóisialta, mhothúchánach agus eiticiúil an pháiste. Béim faoi leith a chur ar an gcomhionnanas . Na páistí a spreagadh ina threo seo taobh istigh agus taobh amuigh den scoil. Dearcadh dearfach i leith na foghlama a chothú sna daltaí agus a chur ar a gcumas foghlaim neamhspléach a dhéanamh. Atmaisféar a chothú sa scoil a spreagann an dalta a bheith neamhspléach, caoinfhulangach, cinéalta, muiníneach agus comhoibritheach. An curaclam Foghlaim le Chéile a mhúineadh agus a chur ar fáil mar threoir mhórálta sa scoil. Rannpháirtíocht na dtuismitheoirí i gcomhoideachas na bpáistí a spreagadh, trí deiseanna a thabhairt dóibh a bheith lánpháirteach i gcur chun cinn agus i bhforbairt na scoile trí Chumann na dtuismitheoirí agus an Bord Bainistíochta. An freastal céanna a dhéanamh ar phobal uile na scoile (daltaí, múinteoirí agus tuismitheoirí) i ngach gnéith de shaol na scoile.

Beir bua,

Aedín Ní Thuathail

02 2024
School Re-opens
28 2024
October Bank Holiday
29 2024
Mid-term Break
20 2024
Christmas Holidays
06 2025
School Re-opens
Castleknock Educate Together NS,
Beechpark Ave,
Dublin 15

01 821 9331

Green School
© 2024 Castleknock Educate Together