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STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths)plays an integral role in Castleknock Educate Together National School. We are passionate about promoting a culture of collaboration, innovation and creativity. Through our school's commitment to providing highly engaging and creative learning experiences across the curriculum, our children thrive by collaboratively applying their critical thinking and problem solving skills.

We also participate in numerous national initiatives that help extend our students' knowledge & skills and introduce the applied sciences. Initiatives include Intel Mini Scientist Science Fairs, Young Engineers Award Projects, SFI Curious Minds, Green School Programme and OWLS Forest School.

Promoting cross curricular creativity and participating in meaningful initiatives which are rooted in the curriculum is successfully sparking the innate curiosity of our students and developing their knowledge and skills to take their first steps to build a better world using their creativity and talents!

In June 2023, CETNS won the Platinum Award for our STEM learning. This is the highest award in the Curious Minds Programme funded by the Science Foundation of Ireland. We are thrilled to have been one of only 40 schools who were awarded the Platinum Award.

This year, we are aiming to provide a variety of whole school, class and home based STEM activities. We will endeavour to take a cross curricular project-based approach to STEM learning. Watch this space to come along to one of our student exhibitions!


January 2024 - First Lego League kits arrive!

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We are so excited to have received class sets of First Lego League Explore kits and First Lego League Discover kits and some Lego Education Spike sets. Thank you to the Science Foundation of Ireland and the Institute of Engineering and Technology for funding these. Thank you also to our very patient transition year students who have organised all of these kits ready to use. Watch this space!!!!!


2nd, 3rd and 5th classes enjoyed their hands on 'Introduction to Robotics' workshop today using Lego Education Spike kits. Lots of fun was had by all! Thank you Ross from Creative Hut for all the fun and engaging sessions using educational technology in our school.

See all of the action here!

Robotics Workshops for 2nd, 3rd & 5th Classes

Robotics Workshops for 2nd, 3rd & 5th Classes

Regional Mini Intel Scientist Exhibition - December 2023


Ibrahim, Edward, Ronith, and Le Gia Khuong proudly represented our school at the Regional Finals of the Intel Mini-Scientist competition today. Well done Team!


Our exotic project was based on the fascinating and important subject of pollution and sustainable energy and living. We pondered the subject of energy and why it is vital for the survival of the human race. Our group researched how sustainable energy can finally end pollution. Our project explains how.

By Ronith, Edward, Gia Khoung, and Ibrahim


Mini Intel Scientist Exhibition in CETNS - November 2023


Take a look at all of the amazing Intel Mini-Scientist projects! Incredible work 6th class! http://www.cetns.ie/News/Intel-Mini-Scientist-Projects/142287/Index.html

Young Engineer Award Project Exhibition in CETNS - November 2023


Our 4th classes invited their parents to their very own engineering exhibition today.

4th classes showed their Young Engineer Award prototypes that they had made to solve some pressing problems that our world is facing. The children confidently explained how their prototypes work, how they are powered and what community or global problem they are solving.

The projects were incredibly innovative. Ideas brought to life by the young minds of tomorrow. We can rest assured that our future is in good hands!


Engineers Visit Our 4th Classes - November 2023


Our 4th classes are currently participating in the Young Engineers Award. This initiative involves the children thinking of a problem in their community that they would like to solve. They then collaboratively design and build a prototype of their idea. Engineers Ireland assign a guest engineer to visit each class. The Guest engineer inspires the next generation to enter the world of engineering. The children present their projects at this time also.

This week we had two visiting engineers.

Martin, an engineer from ESB visited one of our 4th classes on Wednesday. The students loved learning all about electrical engineering and were thrilled with the opportunity to show off their projects to a real life expert! Thank you so much to Martin for answering all our burning questions and for your positive feedback on our prototypes.

Here are some photos of the visit by Viswas from TOBIN Engineering today. He told us all about the different types of engineering, his work projects and who inspired him to go into engineering. Thank you so much Viswas for a very informative visit!

Well done to our budding engineers in 4th class!
Science Fun in Senior Infants - November 2023


Senior infants had loads of fun experimenting this week for science week!

Senior Infants had great fun making playdoh, potions, pasta and marshmallow structures, skittle rainbows, and a fantastic marble run!

Science Fun in Senior Infants

Science Week in Senior Infants

Coding on our Chromebooks in 4th Class - October 2023

4th Class enjoyed learning to use code to make characters dance!





June 2023 - Platinum Award - Curious Minds Programme


Today, RTÉ presenters Mary-Claire Fitzpatrick and Phil Smyth presented CETNS with our Platinum Award as part of the Curious Minds programme run by the Science Foundation of Ireland. Every class in our wonderful school helped achieve this by undertaking a wide range of super interesting science, technology, engineering, maths & STEM activities.

The Platinum Award is the highest award in this programme so we are thrilled to have been one of only 40 schools who received the Platinum Award today. The award ceremony was streamed on YouTube this morning. Take a look! The Platinum Awards start at 24:30

RTÉ Presenter Mary-Claire even gave a shout-out to her niece and nephew in our school!!!!

We are delighted. Well done to everyone!!!

Cross Curricular STEM

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The budding architects and engineers of 3rd Class have showcased their extraordinary creativity and innovation through their remarkable building projects. The students researched, designed, and constructed models of famous buildings from around the world, and have really impressed with their amazing models. It is clear how much problem-solving and hard work went into the projects both at home and in school, and a big well done is due!! These young architects have proven that age is no barrier to creativity and that even the most remarkable structures can be brought to life by the young minds of tomorrow.

See more of their amazing projects here - http://www.cetns.ie/News/Budding-Architects-Engineers-in-3rd-Class!/135150/Index.html

Maths Eyes

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We love our maths in CETNS. It's AWESOME! Children in our school have opened their 'Maths Eyes' and are now spotting maths all around them. You don't need Superman's infrared vision to spot it. It's real and it's everywhere in our environment. Please click on the link below and have a look at the amazing 'Maths Eyes' posters that children in CETNS have designed.

See all of our Maths Eyes work here - Maths Eyes

STEM Projects - Gaeilge Projects

Gaeilge projects were recently made by 5th class! Well done 5th!



STEM Projects - Space Projects

4th class researched areas of space that they wanted to learn more about. Take a look at this amazing variety of projects on Space they created as part of their learning


Our Amazing Solar System!


A black hole sucking in a rocket! (using magnetism here)

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The International Space Station


The History of Space Travel

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Our Solar System with an astronaut called Bob!


TOI-2180 b is a gas giant exoplanet

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Haumea is a dwarf planet in our solar system




Saturn V Space Shuttle


Sputnik 1 was the first artificial satellite.


MakeMake is a dwarf planet in our solar system

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'Why is Pluto just a dwarf planet?' Project




Venus is 108.2 million kms from the sun!

STEM Projects - Brazil

5th Class have been learning all about Brazil in history and geography. They created amazing STEM projects to illustrate and deepen their learning. 5th class presented these projects at our recent senior school assembly.


Maracanã Stadium



Christ The Redeemer




Environmental Science - Sustainable Houses by 6th Class

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In sixth class, students were learning about sustainability as part of Environmental Awareness and Care in Science and Geography. As environmental care has received a lot of attention over the years, including a recent SEAI workshop, students in sixth class were very knowledgeable on the topic. Therefore, I decided to challenge them further by making their task into a STEM challenge. I gave them the challenge of building 'Sustainable Homes' in groups. Each group researched what features make a home sustainable, for example, solar panels, insulation, wind powered energy, green houses, gardens, rainwater collection basins etc. The children then gathered as many reused recyclable materials to construct 3D homes and gardens that showcased all their sustainable features. They were challenged with creating homes that displayed indoor and outdoor sustainable features. Lastly, they decorated their houses with paint, recycled paper, markers etc. The project allowed students to take responsibility over their learning and further their own knowledge through research. Additionally, working in groups facilitated peer teaching and learning. My favourite part was it made the link between knowledge gained on sustainability and applying it to a real-world situation – building a sustainable home. The challenge led to students using their creative juices to build the best home while allowing informal discussions between peers about the environment and sustainability. Students loved the challenge and were eager to work on a similar project as soon as they finished their amazing 'Sustainable Homes'.




March 2023 - Seachtain na Gaeilge STEM Projects!

Science and Maths knowledge & skills can be seen in these amazing projects constructed for Seachtain na Gaeilge. Take a look!







Cross Curricular STEM

March 2023 - History STEM Projects

These Norman castles have moving parts using a variety of pulleys, levers and catapults. Scientific learning during Energy & Forces lessons was brought to life by imaginatively designing moving parts in the castles.


This is Trim Castle. Beware, it has cannons that work, made using balloons and card tubing! The drawbridge can be opened and closed using string.


This is Lough Eske Castle in Donegal. Look how the waves are tied together. There is a secret tunnel beneath the waves leading to an island where there was a jail! There is a moving drawbridge also.


This is Cahir Castle standing proudly on a rocky island in the river Suir. It has a moving drawbridge, a kitchen and a chapel. It also has a drinking well with a tiny bucket that moves up and down using string and card as a pulley and a crank.


This is Kilkenny Castle with numerous clay figures who worked and lived in the castle. This castle has two doors that open. The dungeon has been updated to include a light using an electrical circuit!!!


This castle was inspired by a group member's visit to the Tower of London. This is White Tower, London. There is a legend which says that when the resident ravens leave, the tower will fall. Therefore, this castle needed to fall apart! The team cleverly designed a way for this to happen using 4 open sides held together with string. Let's hope the ravens stay!


This is Malahide Castle with a moving drawbridge. Part of the roof opens to allow us to peep inside the castle!


This is Donegal Castle. It has a secret tunnel leading to a secret garden! It also has a moving drawbridge.


March 2023 - Engineers Week - Trip to Hilti


3rd & 4th class were invited to take a tour of Hilti today for Engineers Week. Hilti design, manufacture and service construction tools. We had a fantastic time exploring different areas of their super cool building wearing our high vis vests and safety googles!

Engineering Week Innovation Activity

Our first stop was the futuristic Hilti Customer Service Experience room. We were amazed to learn about the variety of tools they make and how they are all powered using the same battery model. We learned about different types of engineering and how important teamwork is.

We then made our way to meet another Engineer who showed us Hilti's impressive Red Bull Soapbox cart. It was very interesting to hear which materials were used for the soapbox cart and the reasons why each material was chosen. The brake was made using a 3D industrial printer. The suspension system looked very robust!

Next, we went to the Hilti Tools Service Centre. We enjoyed learning about quality control and saw the Balex machine which breaks down materials for recycling.

Last but not least, we got to use our own engineering skills as the Hilti Engineers challenged us to build bridges using lego bricks! CETNS students rose to the challenge and designed some great bridges.

We had a fantastic time today at Hilti. Thank you so much for having us and a very big thank you to Noah Markey's dad, Dennis for organising our trip. It was most inspirational.

take a look at some photos of our trip here!

Engineering Week Trip to Hilti

March 2023 - Engineers Week 2023

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There were lots of very interesting engineering challenges happening in our school this week. Click here and find out all that went on this week in CETNS!

Engineers Week

Here is one of the challenges - Egg Drop Challenge in 3rd class

As part of Engineering Week 2023, 3rd Class took part in an Egg Drop Challenge. Everyone had two weeks to plan, design, build, and test a prototype that would protect an egg when dropped from a height.

We thought a lot about what materials we might use, and though some of us came up with amazing ideas like wind-powered arms to support a parachute, and atomic balls of energy to prevent breakage, we had to think again, as it might have been a little difficult for our parents to source these. Most of our prototypes were made from recycled materials such as cardboard, cotton wool, elastic bands, and plastic bags.
When Launch Day arrived, everybody was so excited to try out the prototypes. We had fun predicting whether or not the egg would survive, and most did! Though there were a few broken shells, we used this as an opportunity to review, refine and improve our designs - all part of the engineering process!
It was clear that everyone put lots of hard work into their prototypes at home, and we would like to say a big thank you to all of the parents and guardians at home who helped out. There are definitely some engineers in the making in Rang a Trí.

February 2022 - Maths 3D Art!

2nd class made 3D shapes such as cubes, cuboids, pyramids, and even a fish using marshmallows, spaghetti, and playdough.

Take a look here! 2nd Class 3D Shapes

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The Intel Mini Scientist National Grand Final!!!!!!!

"When we arrived at the venue, Maynooth University, we were greeted with many exciting and interesting projects. We rushed to our stall and began to set up, looking forward to the day ahead. We presented our project to five judges. After the judging, we really enjoyed watching ‘The Science Show with Phil’. Our favourite experiments were when he shot paper all around the hall and when he exploded liquid nitrogen everywhere! We were seated in the front row so it felt like we were being rained on! The judges then announced the winners. Unfortunately, we didn’t win ☹. We were so proud to get this far, and honoured to represent our school in such an exciting and amazing way." by Izzy, Ella and Maisy

Cross Curricular STEM
January 2022 - Lego Models for History Week & Heritage Ireland Lego Competition - Home Based STEM Project

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For History Week in CETNS, we asked children to build a monument or building of their choice using lego bricks! Our creative master builders got to work! We had a fantastic display in our school.

Around this time, the Heritage Council of Ireland put out a call asking children from across the country to get creative and showcase an element of Irish-built, natural or cultural heritage using LEGO® bricks, and the wonderful children of CETNS duly obliged. We have lots of enthusiastic Lego master builders across the school who were only too delighted to take up the challenge. We received lots of creative, imaginative, and expertly built Lego models which are currently on display in our foyer. Please have a look at some pictures below of the incredible Lego models that the children made.

The Heritage Council ran a competition across two age groups, 4-7 and 8-12, across Ireland. We are delighted to share the news that CETNS had two winners and four runners-up across the different age categories which is an incredible achievement. Our two winners were Luke Campbell ( 4th Class) and Isabella Carwood (1st Class). Our four runners-up were Ishaan Dalmia (1st Class), Liam Giusti (1st Class), Sophie Dixon (4th Class), and Jerry Luo (5th Class).

Models made by Oisin in Senior Infants (Wellington Monument), Nikki in 1st class (Papal Cross), Miar in 2nd class (Poolbeg Chimneys) and Cian in 4th class ( Newgrange ) are also to be seen in the introduction of the video announcing the winners.

Congratulations to all of them, but also to all our amazing Lego builders who made models.

The winning entries will now be showcased at a special exhibition at Kilkenny Medieval Mile Museum from the 7th - 26th of February 2023. Wow!

All the winners and runners-up are listed on the Facebook and Instagram pages of the Heritage Council:


The Heritage Council (Instagram)

The Heritage Council (Facebook)

Thank you so much to all who participated.

Take a look at projects here - Lego Model Exhibition

December 2022 - Intel Mini Scientist Regional Finals, National Finals, Here We Come!


The Regional Finals of the Intel Mini Scientist Competition were held on the 13th of December. Isabelle, Ella and Maisy (6th Class) represented CETNS with their project on bird feeding.

Isabelle, Ella and Maisy made it through to the National Finals!! An excellent achievement as they were one of 15 projects out of 76 that will go onto the National Finals. Huge congrats girls!

November 2022 - Science Week CETNS Biodiversity STEM projects. - Whole School STEM Project



This year, we set a whole school challenge for Science week where every child was asked to create a biome or ecosystem of their choice. This challenge ties in with our work towards our 10th Green Flag, Global Citizenship Food and Biodiversity.

We were born away by the creativity and hard work of our students. We received so many projects that we ended up hosting an exhibition for our entire whole school community to visit. Take a look at the creativity below!!! Thank you to all who participated!

Take a look at some of the fantastic projects here - Science Week January 2023

Scientist Parent Volunteer for Science Week 2022

Eilish McLoughlin, a CETNS parent and the Head of the School of Physical Sciences at Dublin City University (DCU), very kindly visited CETNS to carry out some super cool experiments!!! Eilish also gave us some boxes of exciting science equipment. Thank you so much Eilish! Photos to follow

21st November 2022 - Engineer Visit to 3rd & 4th class - Young Engineers Award



Lisa Dallaghan, a Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineer currently working on the transport planning team in Aecom visited our class today. She spoke about her recent projects in her engineering job and how she got into the field of engineering. We then presented our Young Engineers Award projects to her. She was very impressed with the creativity of the sustainability of the projects.

Ever eager for a creative challenge, our 3rd & 4th classes have participated in the STEPS Young Engineers Award since its launch in 2018. This initiative encourages our children to dream big, be creative and help engineer solutions for our community. As part of the programme, a visiting Engineer speaks about their career to inspire the next generation. This is an excellent learning experience as our children realise that engineers are problem solvers who innovate to deliver creative and sustainable solutions in response to the great challenges our society face.

October 2022 - 4th Class appear on News2Day for Maths Week!


RTE Filming - Behind the Scenes Photos

Here is a peek at a few photos taken behind the scenes when RTE News2Day recently visited our school. They chatted to our 4th class about their maths week activities. 4th class had plenty of hilarious maths jokes to share also.

RTE News2Day

October 2022 - Intel Mini Scientist - 6th classes

Everyone had a great time at the Intel Mini Scientist on Friday. Well done to all who took part. The projects were all very interesting and informative.The children were outstanding at presenting and describing the projects. Congratulations to Maisy, Ella, and Izzy (Eugenia's class) who won with their fascinating Bird Project. And congratulations also to Seb (Andreas' class) and Sam (Emmett's class) who got a special mention for their Steam Engine Project.

Maisy, Izzy and Ella were our most recent winning school team. They constructed an avian project using recycled wood and a motion sensor camera above it. The camera was linked to a phone for easy observation to make their findings. "The reason we chose this project is because we are all passionate about nature, biodiversity and birds in particular. We also thought people who care for birds would like to know which food birds prefer and is healthiest for them. What we enjoyed the most about our project was making it together and presenting our project to everyone!”.

Here are some great photos from the day: Intel Mini Scientist Oct 2022

February 2022 - Biodiversity & Tree Planting Workshops
Our 3rd, 4th and 5th classes enjoyed biodiversity and tree planting workshops with Dale Treadwell from the ‘Heritage in Schools’ programme today. Many native bare root saplings were planted this morning in our school field. As they say - ‘many hands make light work!’ Thank you Dale for a very informative and entertaining visit!
Science Week 2021
Science Week 2021 in CETNS kicked off today with the Green Team members presenting their Biodiversity STEM projects to their class. Diverse ecosystems from all over the world were constructed, from the Tundra to the Australian Outback! All projects are on display in our foyer. Well done to all on their hard work and creativity! We are looking forward to plenty more Science fun this week!
Take a look - Science Week 2021
November 2020 - Family Science Quiz for Science Week
We are really excited about Science Week in CETNS.
Calling all CETNS families! Put your science knowledge to the test with this live interactive family quiz! Science Foundation of Ireland are hosting a science quiz this Saturday the 14th of November at 11.30am. This fun 60 minute quiz will cover a wide range of topics and will have questions for all ages!
Book your free places here- Eventbrite Good luck!!!
October 2020 - Young Engineers Award Prize Arrives to CETNS!

Our Young Engineers Award winners Umiya, Daniel, Maggie and Ashkan from 4th class received their prizes today from Engineers Ireland.

We are looking forward to learning to code with Photon, our new school robot!

"In 3rd class, we participated in the Young Engineers Award. We collaboratively decided to design our project, a wireless electric car charger, which we felt was needed in our community. The project involved making a prototype while detailing the engineering process in a booklet. We presented our prototype to a visiting guest speaker engineer. For months of nervous waiting, we hoped for the best. To our delight, we received the good news that we had come in the top 6 in the country. We were all set to attend the prize giving ceremony in May 2020, but due to Covid 19, we couldn’t attend, we were in lockdown. However, we did attend the online prize giving award ceremony, which was great! For our school, we won the photon robot, which was a great achievement for us and our school. We were very proud of ourselves. We really enjoyed participating in the Young Engineers Award."

by Umiya, Maggy, Daniel and Ashkan


National Young Engineers Award for CETNS pupils – May 2020

Congratulations to Umiya, Maggy, Daniel and Ashkan (3rd classes) for achieving Highly Commended in the National Young Engineers Awards.

They won a super cool Photon Robot for our school!

Watch the Young Engineers Award Virtual Prize Giving Ceremony here. CETNS are on first at 6:31.

YEA Prize Giving Ceremony


March 2020 - Winning Team - Young Engineers Award!

This creative team, which includes a green team member, was inspired by climate change. Their project idea was an underground wireless electric car charger which could be installed in every parking space in every car park. They decided to work on this as they noticed there are few electric car charging stations and all require bulky cables to operate.

There will be a virtual award ceremony on the 20th of May.

Young Engineer's Award Projects – December 2019

3rd & 4th classes recently entered their projects into the Young Engineer’s Award. The classes were very busy brainstorming ideas, researching, investigating properties of materials, designing and finally constructing prototypes that will positively improve our community. Engineers Ireland organised for an Engineer visit to each class. Each group presented their project to the engineer and answered lots of follow up questions. The results will be announced during Engineers Week 29th of February to 6th of March.

Engineer Visit – December 2019

An engineer named Michael Dowling from CS Consulting visited our class today. He spoke to us about his job. I was interested to learn that buildings change when they are made. We then presented our projects. For my project I designed an electric factory that collects electricity from spinning bikes from 2 gyms to help the environment. I really enjoyed the engineers visit.

Zainab, Paula's 3rd Class

5th & 6th Class Intel Mini-Scientists – November 2019

Congratulations to children, parents and staff for all their hard work in preparing for the Intel Mini-Scientists competition last Friday week. We had one of the most enjoyable days in the school where we learnt so much from each other and all children visiting the various project stands got to ask many questions and see many experiments. Well done to everyone involved, the judges were particularly impressed with how well each of the groups presented their information on the day.

Congratulations to Scot, Luke & Umer who were placed 2nd for their project ‘Are you left-sided or right-sided?’

Aamna, Mysha, Maheen & Shaheera placed 1st with their project ‘Spy Apps, what do parents really know about them?’

The girls will be going to the next round in the Croí Building December 6th. Go n-éirí libh!

See some photos of the event here

Super news! CETNS has achieved the 2019 SFI Discover Science and Maths Award – June 2019

See message below from the Discover Primary Science & Maths Team about our award. Congratulations to all the children, staff & parents and a special thanks to the STEM subcommittee for all their hard work.

Congratulations! Your school has achieved an SFI Discover Science and Maths Award for the 2018/2019 academic year. We have evaluated your Log of Evidence and we are satisfied that you have met all the criteria for the Plaque of STEM.
Your school has provided evidence of children's engagement with STEM in the following areas:

  1. Science
  2. Technology
  3. Engineering
  4. Maths
  5. STEM Showcase

Here is some feedback on your Log of Evidence:
Really interesting use of maths to capture how students spend their free time and fantastic bird feeder investigations. It was wonderful to see the children sharing their work so enthusiastically with others at ESB Science Blast and Intel Mini Scientist. Great team effort by everyone and keep up the good work! Congratulations on a well deserved award!
Again, many congratulations to you, your students and your colleagues on achieving your SFI Discover Science & Maths Award in 2019.

Stem 2018/19
February Stem Challenge Projects











Science Blast – 7th March 2019









Engineers Week – 4th – 8th March 2019
Young Engineers Award Prize Winner!!!!

Huge congratulations to Cliona Magerusan (3rd class) for coming highly commended in the first ever Young Engineers Award! We were thrilled to hear that Cliona's fantastic STEM project construction of a community polytunnel was chosen! Congratulations Cliona!!!!!!!

"I was so surprised and delighted to hear that I had made it to the shortlist of the top 10% of the projects for the Young Engineering Award. For my project, I decided to construct a community polytunnel. I thought this would be useful for everyone and especially people in apartments so they could get a chance to grow organic fruit and vegetables. I was inspired by our school polytunnel where we grow lots of fruit and vegetables and share the harvest with all the boys and girls in my school. To make my project, I knew real polytunnels are made with a steel frame covered in strong plastic so for my mini-polytunnel I used a pipe cleaner frame and a clear plastic sheet. I was very proud of my finished project. I had so much fun designing and making it." By Clíona 3rd class

February STEM Challenge - Engineers Week 2019

Ireland and everything Irish is our STEM theme for February as preparation for our annual Seachtain na Gaeilge celebration. All our February STEM projects will form an exhibition for parents during Engineers Week which will place from 4th to 8th March. As always, we encourage everyone to enter either in groups or individually.

My Engineers Week Project 2019

For Engineers Week 2019, we designed STEM projects using the theme Ireland and everything Irish. My group made a leprechaun trap. An engineer called Anjena came in to talk to us about coding and micro processors. In final year in college, she built a motor to open the Crawford Telescope in UCC. The most exciting engineering event to happen in space is the crew dragon has been launched this week.

By Ellie 3rd class

Engineers Ireland Publication

Our Monthly STEM challenge was mentioned on page 6 of Engineers Ireland's Classroom Challenge Pack 2019.

Engineers Week 2019

Manga High Workshop – Feb 2019

4th class recently had a very informative ICT maths workshop hosted by Chris from Manga High. They learnt all about what you have to do to get each type of medal, bronze, silver & gold. He taught the teachers how to keep activities classroom assigned. If you want gold you had to get every single question right & be on the difficult level & get 10 ‘on fire’ questions right. You can only get a bronze on your first go! There are easy, medium, hard & extreme levels. You have to get 3 questions right to go up a level & if you 2 wrong you go down a level. We love it, go on give it a try!

Finn & Cathal, Andreas’ 4th class

Science Workshop – January 2019

Designer Minds scientists visited to host a science workshop with 3rdand 4th classes in January. The workshops introduced the children to the area of biology, specifically bacteria. The children carried out their own experiments using nutrient agar plates to test whether antibacterial handwash kills bacteria. The children will observe bacteria growing over the course of a week. We will be very interested in their results!

Young Engineers Award Projects – December 2018

3rd and 4th classes were busy bees in December working on their Young Engineers Award projects. Take a look at some of the projects that were submitted!

Last Thursday we had a visit from an engineer, Anjena, who works with Nicholas O’Dwyer Engineering. Right now she’s working on a new design for a water treatment plant in Sligo. We presented the projects we did for Young Engineers Award. Our group built a bridge over the Ashtown Train Station & she told us how to add side supports. The point of the projects is to look at the community and see what’s not working and make improvements. We then needed to make a 3-D model so we used K’nex for our bridge. She told us the sides and slope needed to improve and she helped us by showing us the side supports.”

By Matthew 3rd







Intel Regional Finals – 5th Dec 2018

On the 5th Dec 2018, we went to ITB to compete in the Intel Mini Scientist competition. Three of us were invited last year so we had a good amount of experience. On the day, there were 90 different schools battling for one of the 16 places in the national finals. Our project was on biometrics. Conor Walsh (me), Charlie Coffey, Jack Brady and Abdullah Anwar made the project. We were judged around 9:45am and the judge loved our project! She stayed around for a long time to listen to every last word we had to tell her! I had a good feeling that we were going into the next round, At 11:30am, we had a science demo by a scientist named “Scientific Sue”. She did the same show she did last year on bubbles. Even though she had the same content, it was fun to watch. After lunch it was time for the results. We didn’t make it in, but a few of the kids we were chatting to made the cut. Even though we didn’t make it in, I still had a great day. Most people who viewed our project liked it and wished us luck.

Thanks to Liz for giving us the opportunity to compete in this competition and thanks to our parents for arranging meet-ups and waiting with us on the day.

By Conor Walsh (Liz, 6th Class)

Intel Science Fair – 15th November 2018

The Intel mini scientist exhibition took place in the hall on the 15thand a great day was had by all. Fifth and Sixth class children presented their projects and the rest of the school learnt all about their various experiments and findings. Many parents joined us on the day along with the Intel judges. Congratulations to our winners but particularly a very special congratulations to all the children who presented on the day, a lot of work went into the preparation for the day and we hope you are as proud of yourselves as we are. You can view some photos of the day http://www.cetns.ie/News/Science-Fair-2018/814/Index.html Thank you to all who helped with this event,

The winners were Charlie, Conor, Abdullah, and Jack from Liz's class with their project about Biometrics.

The runners up were the Mysha, Shaheera, Aamna and Maheen from Aoife's class with their project about Mnenomics.

Well done.

PICs of SCIENCE Fair here

Marine Biologist Visit for Science Week – Nov 2018

A workshop took place in 3rd class all about marine litter. Lorraine, a marine biologist recently spent 6 months working in the oceans beside Hawaii helping to clean up plastic. She told us facts about how big sharks are. She also told us about a whale that died and scientists found 11 plastic bags inside the whale’s stomach. By 2050, she said there would be more plastic in the ocean than fish! So I am going to be more careful with plastics to stop marine litter.

By Talha

The Whole School STEM Project returns!

The STEM project for January is to make any winter themed creatione.g. snowflake using matchsticks and marshmallows, igloo using sugar cubes, a snowball launcher. The options are endless! We look forward to seeing the fantastic projects.


Here are some Roald Dahl Day STEM Projects.




As National Space Week runs from the 4th to 10th of October, our STEM project for October will be to make a space themed creation. As always we look forward to seeing your wonderful ideas!

Fantastic creations for our Space themed Stem Challenge





May STEM projects - Garden Decorations
Fairy House by Isobel, Jill's 3rd


Floral PomPom by Anastasia, Ruth's Senior Infants

IMG_8161.JPG Floral PomPom by Anastasia, Ruth's Senior Infants

IMG_8165.JPG Basketball Game by Alex, Ruth's Senior Infants

Ireland’s Ingenious Engineers Show with Scientific Sue.

This highly creative and exciting science and engineering show explores some of the amazing scientific discoveries and engineering feats endeavoured by some of our amazing Irish Scientists over a period of 350 years: Which of the amazing engineers was responsible for the creation of hot chocolate? The discovery of carbon dioxide? Who found out how to turn a gas into liquid? This process now allows us to send astronauts and rockets into space? Whose invention saved the life of Neil Armstrong the year before he landed on the moon? Which field of engineering will give us the excuse to make ice cream? Explode gases? Race balloons? Save people’s lives?

As always, lots of volunteers will be needed to help Scientific Sue on, yet another one of her mind-boggling, energetic journeys of scientific discovery.

April STEM projects - What can you make out of a box?
A 4 Roomed Dollhouse by Sanvi Conor's 2nd class
A Quiz to Win a Prize by Patricia (Susan's junior Infants)
Theatre Royal starring Phantom of the Opera! by Aisling (Aidan's 4th class)
A Guillotine that uses a pulley to move! by Camille (Karen's 3rd class) as part of her Genius Hour Project on France
Football Subbuteo by Conor (Aoife and Mary's 1st)


There's great engineering going on in classrooms all over the school. Fantastic open ended design and make activities.

1st - Aahan's football stadium as part of genius hour project (3rd)
2nd & 3rd - Matteo's cardboard city as part of genius hour project (3rd)
stem-bridge 2.jpgstem-bridge.png
4th & 5th - bridges constructed by 1st class
stem-liz's 6th.jpg
6th - Fairtrade village collaboratively designed and constucted by Liz's 6th class
7th & 8th - amazing building during aistear in our infant classes
9th - Zachary building a model of studio tram ride in Eurodisney

March -

We had some great Leprechaun Traps made in our March Stem Projects.


IMG_7337-lep.JPG JJ


Anais & Rian who managed to catch a Leprechaun!


Josh, James & Jake composed a rhyming story.

IMG_3374-lep.JPG Aoife

IMG_7405-lep.JPG Sanvi




Here is Aoife with her completed Fairtrade STEM project - A fairtrade banana piñata. It also has some fairtrade treats inside for her classmates. Well done Aoife.

Village built by 6th Class, Josh, James & Jake. Well done boys.




Here are some photos of the STEM projects for January. The volcano and planets are made from icing!



  • In 2017/2018, CETNS will participate in Science Foundation of Ireland Discover Science & Maths Programme.
  • We use our school grounds to explore science. We are lucky to have an abundance of habitats and the following areas of interest: the school fruit, vegetable and herb garden, pond, chickens, polytunnel, orchard, oudoor classroom, multisensory garden and our school field which is planted with native trees and shrubs. Teachers use an Environmental Audit of the school locality to show how our school grounds can be used for the teaching of Science.
  • We focus on hands-on science investigations as part of classroom experiment.
  • We participate in National STEM weeks - Space, Science, Maths, Computer Science and Engineering.
  • We have introduced a monthly whole school STEM challenge
  • We invite science speakers to our school.
  • We organize visits to accredited Science Centres - Dublin Zoo, The National School of Sailing Dun Laoghaire, Imaginosity, Sealife Aquarium
  • We attend science shows – e.g. RDS Science Show
  • 5th & 6th Class participate yearly in the Intel Mini Scientist Competition
  • We include STEM as part of our afterschool programme.
  • We participate in the Green Schools Programme as part of the Environmental Awareness strand. The theme of our 8th flag is Marine Environment. We will be looking at marine eco-systems, their threats and the work being done to save them. See Green School Action Plan on Green School Noticeboard for more details.
  • We celebrate national environmental awareness days e.g. National Tree Week and go on a leaf hunt in our school field
  • We participate in Innocent Sow and Grow programme.
  • We work with scientific organisations .i.e. Science Foundation Ireland, Steps Engineers Ireland, Teagasc in Ashtown, Blackrock Observatory
  • We work on our Active Flag programme which linked in with the Living Things strand.

  • We use technology as part of our school work.
  • We have Interactive Whiteboards in every classroom and a class set of both ipads and laptops.
  • To continue working on basic programming initiatives i.e. Beebot, Scratch, Scratch Junior.
  • See CETNS Digital Schools Strategy document for more details.

  • We do lots of design and make activities e.g. making models (exploring, planning, designing, making, evaluating) – integration with Art & SESE.
  • We have introduced a monthly STEM Family Project!
  • We participate In ENGINEERS WEEK - http://www.engineersweek.ie/
  • To hold a whole school engineering challenge
  • We invite engineer guest speakers to the school – parental involvement & STEPS
  • To introduce a monthly STEM challenge
  • Useful engineering websites: DiscoverE - http://www.discovere.org/dreambig/activities
  • STEPS - https://www.steps.ie/teachers/primary.aspx


  • We use a variety of maths investigations: real life maths investigations, puzzles, maths art, cracking the code etc
  • We participate in National Maths Week and use resources on http://www.mathsweek.ie/
  • We use maths skills and knowledge as part of science e.g. measuring distances, capacity, weight, recording and analyzing data. Using maths operations: ratio, percentages, averages.
  • We do Maths Trails around our school.
  • Useful maths websites:maths playground - https://www.mathplayground.com/Khan academy - https://www.khanacademy.org/math
  • Manga High - https://www.mangahigh.com
  • IXL Maths - https://ie.ixl.com/math/

STEM Showcase

We host events where children present and explain their work:

  • We host an INTEL Mini Scientist exhibition during Science week where parents and the wider community are invited to learn about projects our 5th & 6th classes.
  • We encourage children to present their science work to other classes.
  • We host a monthly Family STEM Project exhibition.

STEM Family Project

Castleknock Educate Together has introduced a monthly STEM Family Project. Parental involvement is a very important part of our ethos and we feel STEM Family Projects are the perfect way to create meaningful connections between the school and home for science, technology, engineering and maths processes.

The Engineering Design Process is:
1. Ask - what’s the problem? 2. Imagine- choose a solution. 3. Plan - draw it. 4. Create - make it. 5. Improve - make it better.

January’s challenge was to create an object using sweets in its construction! Teachers were blown away by the creativity and enthusiasm shown by the families of CETNS. We also received lots of very interesting photos of the stages of the engineering process.

February’s STEM Family Project is to create a Fairtrade themed object using recyclable materials. This challenge will link in with our whole school focus on Fairtrade this month. We look forward to exhibiting our February STEM Family Projects in our school during Engineers Week (26th Feb - 2nd March)

28 2024
October Bank Holiday
29 2024
Mid-term Break
20 2024
Christmas Holidays
06 2025
School Re-opens
03 2025
February Bank Holiday
5th Class have been learning about the Renaissance and took inspiration from Michelangelo during this lesson.
Jim's 5th were busy proving Pythagoras' theorem
Castleknock Educate Together NS,
Beechpark Ave,
Dublin 15

01 821 9331

Green School
© 2024 Castleknock Educate Together